About Me

I am a software developer who lives in Singapore, This blog, is about my observations and thoughts related to software development. These observations include tips and tricks that I have learned, solutions to problems I have faced, and other concepts I have found interesting and useful. This blog is intended to provide information to help other developers facing the same issues as well as providing me a method to document things in a well-known location for my future reference. The blog contains both things I have learned and observed as well as speculations ranging from minor pondering to reckless conjecture.
Select pieces of code highlighted in this blog are available on GitHub at https://github.com/pradeepkrathnayaka

I am passionate about the following things:
  • Beautiful and readable code. Some people are still writing code for computers to execute. This makes me sad because a good developer writes code for humans read. This is my only guideline, and if you are developer, it should be your guideline too.
  • Learning new things. The world is not a static place and learning new skills is an essential part of my job. It makes my work a lot more interesting and helps me to select the best tool for the job.

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